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Thale cress
Subcellular Localization
: max

Winner_takes_all: cytosol

Predictor Summary:
  • cytosol 3
  • mitochondrion 1
  • cytoskeleton 1
No PPI Data


locusIdentityHomology Identity


locusHomology SpeciesLocationIdentityHomology Identity
CDX69347 Canola cytosol 88.71 88.95
CDX75687 Canola cytosol 88.43 88.67
Bra011798.1-P Field mustard cytosol 88.43 88.67
VIT_00s0371g00100.t01 Wine grape cytosol 67.22 67.4
VIT_00s0346g00080.t01 Wine grape cytosol 67.22 67.4
VIT_18s0122g00450.t01 Wine grape cytosol, plastid 66.94 64.63
PGSC0003DMT400040518 Potato cytosol 62.81 64.04
PGSC0003DMT400040520 Potato cytosol 53.99 63.84
Solyc11g011330.1.1 Tomato cytosol 62.53 63.76
PGSC0003DMT400013704 Potato cytosol 61.98 63.2
AT4G37990.1 Thale cress cytosol 61.98 62.67
Solyc11g011340.1.1 Tomato cytosol 61.98 62.67
PGSC0003DMT400043757 Potato cytosol 19.83 62.07
PGSC0003DMT400080827 Potato cytosol 35.81 61.32
AT4G37980.1 Thale cress cytosol 59.5 60.5
TraesCS6B01G406300.1 Wheat cytosol 59.5 59.18
AT4G39330.1 Thale cress cytosol 58.68 59.17
Zm00001d024314_P001 Maize cytosol 58.4 59.05
Solyc11g010980.1.1 Tomato cytosol 58.4 59.05
TraesCS6B01G406000.1 Wheat cytosol 59.23 58.74
Solyc11g010990.1.1 Tomato cytosol 57.85 58.5
PGSC0003DMT400041566 Potato cytosol 57.85 58.5
Solyc11g010960.1.1 Tomato cytosol 57.58 58.22
TraesCS6D01G353400.1 Wheat cytosol 58.95 58.15
TraesCS6A01G370100.1 Wheat cytosol 57.02 58.15
TraesCS6A01G369800.1 Wheat cytosol, golgi 58.4 58.08
TraesCS6D01G353700.1 Wheat cytosol 58.4 57.92
TraesCS6D01G353300.1 Wheat cytosol 58.13 57.81
PGSC0003DMT400041563 Potato cytosol 39.39 57.66
Os10t0430200-01 Rice cytosol 58.13 57.65
PGSC0003DMT400024954 Potato cytosol 42.42 57.46
TraesCS6B01G406200.1 Wheat cytosol 57.85 57.38
TraesCS7D01G376600.1 Wheat cytosol 57.85 57.07
PGSC0003DMT400041573 Potato cytosol 50.41 57.01
TraesCS7A01G380100.1 Wheat cytosol 57.58 56.79
Os08t0270400-00 Rice cytosol 47.38 56.58
VIT_00s0346g00090.t01 Wine grape cytosol, peroxisome, plastid 52.62 56.51
TraesCS7B01G282100.1 Wheat cytosol 57.58 56.49
AT2G21730.1 Thale cress peroxisome 58.13 56.12
TraesCS7A01G350500.1 Wheat cytosol 57.3 56.06
TraesCS7B01G232400.1 Wheat cytosol, plastid 58.13 55.97
Zm00001d002346_P002 Maize plastid 56.75 55.68
Solyc04g048960.1.1 Tomato endoplasmic reticulum, extracellular 24.79 55.56
AT2G21890.1 Thale cress cytosol 57.3 55.47
Os04t0612700-01 Rice cytosol 57.58 55.15
TraesCS2A01G424600.1 Wheat cytosol 55.92 55.01
PGSC0003DMT400024956 Potato cytosol 18.18 55.0
EER96708 Sorghum cytosol 54.55 55.0
Os09t0400400-01 Rice cytosol 54.82 54.97
EER98869 Sorghum cytosol 54.82 54.97
TraesCS2D01G422400.1 Wheat cytosol 55.65 54.89
TraesCS2B01G444200.2 Wheat cytosol 55.65 54.74
OQU80077 Sorghum cytosol 56.2 54.69
Os09t0399800-01 Rice cytosol 53.99 54.6
TraesCS5D01G210600.1 Wheat cytosol 53.44 54.49
TraesCS5A01G205700.1 Wheat cytosol 53.44 54.49
Zm00001d020401_P001 Maize cytosol 34.44 54.11
TraesCS5B01G202700.1 Wheat cytosol 52.89 53.93
OQU82308 Sorghum cytosol 56.2 53.68
TraesCS7D01G184600.1 Wheat cytosol 29.75 53.47
Os09t0400300-01 Rice plasma membrane 51.24 53.45
Zm00001d020400_P001 Maize plastid 53.72 53.42
TraesCS7D01G184500.1 Wheat cytosol 51.52 52.38
TraesCS7A01G183000.1 Wheat cytosol 51.24 52.1
TraesCS7D01G328300.1 Wheat cytosol 57.85 51.22
TraesCS5B01G209800.2 Wheat plastid 54.27 50.64
VIT_00s0371g00070.t01 Wine grape cytosol 50.69 50.41
TraesCS5A01G213900.1 Wheat plastid 53.99 50.39
Os03t0223200-00 Rice cytosol 52.89 50.26
TraesCS5D01G218100.2 Wheat plastid 53.72 50.26
AT4G34230.1 Thale cress cytosol 47.66 48.46
TraesCS5B01G202800.1 Wheat plastid 56.2 48.46
TraesCS5D01G210700.1 Wheat plastid 55.37 47.74
TraesCS5A01G205600.1 Wheat plastid 55.37 47.63
PGSC0003DMT400041571 Potato cytosol 18.18 47.48
AT1G72680.1 Thale cress cytosol 45.73 46.76
OQU89465 Sorghum plastid 53.17 46.17
AT3G19450.1 Thale cress cytosol 46.28 46.03
Os09t0400000-00 Rice plasma membrane 54.55 45.41
HORVU6Hr1G035410.1 Barley cytosol 7.71 45.16
Zm00001d020402_P001 Maize plastid 11.85 35.25
Protein Annotations
CAD6Probable cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase 6 [Source:UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot;Acc:O65621]
Molecular Weight (calculated)
39019.7 Da
IEP (calculated)
GRAVY (calculated)
363 amino acids
Hydropathy Plot

About CropPAL

The Protein Annotated Locations Database (CropPAL) houses large scale proteomic and GFP localization data from published experimental studies in Soybean (Glycine max), Maize (Zea mays), Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Barley (Hordeum vulgare), Rice (Oryza sativa), Field mustard (Brassica rapa), Canola (Brassica napus), Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), Potato (Solanum tuberosum), Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), Banana (Musa acuminata) and Wine grape (Vitis vinifera) as well as precomputed predictions for protein subcellular localizations using protein sequences.